MusiciansDay Logo

September 26, 2024


What is #MusiciansDay?

In the age of social media, it has never been so easy and at the same time so incredibly difficult to get your music out there as an independent musician, let alone break into the music business.

#MusiciansDay is a bi-annual social media event taking place every last Thursday of March and September. It serves as a platform for independent musicians to celebrate and share their music in the Fediverse and beyond and to connect with other musicians, professionals and music enthusiasts.

A rainbow-colored equalizer

How to participate

As a musician

If you are a musician and would like to share your project for #MusiciansDay, create a post with the following:

  • A short introduction
  • The genre(s) of your music
  • A selection of tracks, for example as links or attachments
  • A way to find more of your work (if applicable)
  • The #MusiciansDay hashtag

If you have more than one project, you are welcome to split them over several posts.

As a listener

As a listener, here's how you can support independent musicians:

  • Spread the word about #MusiciansDay, for example by sharing the link to this website and boosting posts that give information about the event
  • If you know any musicians, point them towards this website and invite them to join in
  • Follow the #MusiciansDay hashtag and like, boost and comment on the musicians' posts
  • Follow the musicians that you like


We won't tell you what to do, but if we may make one request:

If your music contains AI-generated elements, please transparently disclose them as such out of fairness to the community.


#MusiciansDay is a joint, voluntary initiative by the operators of the Mastodon servers and